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Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Funnies from the drop off...

And so it has been a few weeks since my young ladies have returned to school, back to the morning drama and hilarity that is the Drop Off... last year I car pooled with a friend and I took Sydney to her school, this year I'm pooling with another friend and I take Ashley and my friends daughter.  Our school district is spread far and wide and by the time they're in High School they will have been through no less then five schools already!!!

So we get in the car this morning and we're chit chatting about boys and who likes who in their class at school, and Ashley pipes up with "it's like a romantic comedy Mama"!!!! She's FIVE!! I laughed and told her, yes honey, I'm sure if you're involved it certainly is a comedy.  Then later when we got to the drop off lane at her school she made me turn down the music (we like the Black Eye Peas) she told me she didn't want the teachers to hear us rockin' out!!!! I just love morning drop off, it puts a smile on my face for the rest of the day!!!!

p.s. I went to the trash can this morning and it was covered in maggots!!!!!!!!! AARGGGGGGGHHHHHH now how in the hell does that happen?????  the neighbors was fine so I put my trash in their can... thanks lovely neighbor, I heart you!!


Mari Mansourian said...

i love the morning drive to school too, somehow they seem to have a little more humor huh?... the maggot think yuk, it's happened to us gross

Unknown said...

Oh, she's funny! She sounds older than 5! :)

spudballoo said...

So sweet...but yuck for the maggots, bleagh. How do you get rid of them? x