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Monday, September 21, 2009

Humping flies.....

Hello again... haven't been here since Friday!!! missed me??? check out Little Pink Clock for a view of what I have been up to with his gorgoeousness.... it's not R rated believe me.

While we were gone rekindling the fun times of our youth, the kids stayed with good friend H and their kids, they went to the park, they saw two flies and Syd announced that they were "humping"!!!! This is not something new for her, she likes this term as she watches a lot of Victoria Whatshermajiggie, the Brit chick who trains dogs and will bandy about the word humping like it's hello or how are ya?

The weird thing is that another little girl, in the gaggle of girls, then announced that humping is when they sniff each others butts. How delightful our sweet young ladies are, I am sure there's a Swiss Finishing school somewhere in their future.

How was your weekend and did it involve humping flies????


jane said...

haha! i love your stories!

tori said...

no humping flies here but had a great weekend anyways! Did see lots of drunk, grown men hugging each other (who would never do that under any other circumstances) at the Chicago Bears game. Does that count for anything?

Mike said...

I tried humping a fly, but it told me to BUZZ off! LOL!

Barb said...

Well, it wasn't flies. But I did see 2 preying mantis humping on my rose bushes.