When you're a mad keen photographer like me you have to keep up... there are so many great blogs out there... check out some of my favorites.
Kim Klassen Cafe.
Very worthwhile visiting with Kim for a while to learn about PS and Textures. I took the Skinny Mini course and I'm hooked.
Spud takes the most amazing pictures and has remains a true inspiration and dear friend.
Char is so talented and I adore her blog, her iPod playlist but most of all her fabulous pictures..... sadly Char passed away in June and she is greatly missed.. still you should give her blog a look and see what it was that made her so special.
Be yourself...everyone else is taken...
You will have to check this out for yourself to see the beauty and simplicity that is Beth.. fabulous!
Shannon Tucker Photography
I met Shannon when I went to Reno for a Blog Camp.. such a wonderful and fun lady. Hoping we can get together again when she comes to GA to visit family one day.
Ashley Sisk
Ashley has a great eye and is very talented when it comes to touch up, creative editing and art in general. She generously shares her techniques and how she keeps up with everything I do not know!!! and she has an adorable little cat named Kitty Paws.
I have many more to add... be patient I'm working on updating this page as I have time...