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Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Southern Charm...

There is one thing I adore about living in South Georgia, the hospitality and the traditions are followed to the letter. A close friend of mine is soon to be married and so this past weekend saw the first of the whirlwind of showers, preparations and celebrations. I was in the US for about five years before I attended an American wedding and I have to say it's all very beautiful but SO different from how we do it back home. Anyway, Tracy and Don are a wonderful couple and I really wish them well. Tracy's best friend hosted a couples shower on Saturday night, only the weather didn't care. Oh no... we needed some rain and by golly we got it!!!! There we were all huddled into what can only be described as a "party barn/workshop/porch" thing in the back yard. The rain was torrential people and this building had a tin roof!!!! It was loud and I have to be honest a little scary, I have been really afraid of storms since our house in Tallahassee was hit by lighting just after Ashley was born. There I was nursing her and all of a sudden BOOM the house was hit, so that was obviously the best excuse ever to quit breast feeding, Kudos to those who can do it... not this mama.
Anyway back to the storm, the food was good, the company excellent and the wine flowed, but so did the rain. My do was done and my jeans stuck to my legs, Steve and I discovered we can't share an umbrella, we're just not that co-ordinated. It all ended when we were called home by the kids, not because they were afraid of the storm but because the older ones were afraid of the little tropical storm we call Ashley. So that was that.
Sunday rolled around and another shower, this time the weather was beautiful, the kind of day when you look at the sky and can't believe it's soooo clear and refreshing. A group of ladies gathered at Holli's house and had cup cakes and punch. There wasn't a raindrop in sight. Quiet pleasantries were exchanged and everyone complimented the hosts on the lovely table. It really looked great and made me think, wow this is really nice. This is the reason we have those little dishes and buy those pretty napkins, because sometimes it matters! Sometimes you have to pay attention to details and make someone feel special, once in a while do something "pretty" for someone. Throw away the practical household tips and just do something pretty!!! The pleasure in seeing Tracy being spoiled by good friends was a treat for me. I was jealous of course, I want to be showered with gifts, but to witness all the love shown to such a wonderful lady was my gift. So now all we have to do it sit back and enjoy the day, I can't wait to see her walk down the aisle while I sit there with a vice like grip on my kids. I am so excited and will be reporting on the wedding of the year for this space.

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