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Friday, March 20, 2009

Names will be named...

If you think you recognize someone in my blogs that's fine by me. I will never tell. Names will be changed to protect the guilty!!!!

Yesterday I got a Smart phone for dummies... it's a Verizon Blitz and I love it. I can't use a Blackberry and all that high tech stuff, don't have the time to work it all out, I am a highly devoted wife, mother and friend for crying out loud. So I got this and it's awesome, it's easy enough to pick up and text my little heart out right away. It has all the gadgets I need without all the headaches and costly monthly subscriptions. I don't need to be able to email from it, I'm not that important!!!!! The reviews (Steve is a review geek) said it was great for teenagers... well I am here to tell you it's great for oldies too. Mid life mama's on a budget with limited time; get out there and get the Verizon Blitz. Cool.

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