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Monday, August 10, 2009

Arrghhhh...when will it ever cease????

OK there are a million worse things that could be happening to me, and I'm a very fortunate person to have all the wonderful things I have in life, not just the material things but those you cannot touch or hold in your hand. So why am I feeling so freakin' depressed at the moment? Why is it I can't just jump for joy and get these boxes unpacked instead of feeling down in the dumps and wishing they could just stay there forever? They can, I mean, really none of it matters that much in the scheme of things. If people come over to the house does it HAVE to look a certain way? Why don't we just live our lives as ourselves instead of striving to be "mainstream". Does it matter if you have boxes in the living room? Are they hurting anything? Or would I really DIE if someone just popped in and the place looked like this? No... so why do we need to get it all done right now??The contractor will be here in a few minutes to walk through and make sure it's all to our satisfaction.... well no it's not. There are still things to be done but they're not things he's going to do for us!!! He won't hang every one's clothes back in the closets or decide where to hang pictures and stuff. He won't tell me which crap should go to Goodwill or what should be sold in a yard sale, maybe it should all go to Goodwill I certainly don't need it!!! I'll feel a little foolish when I tell him that they missed a spot of paint here or a doorknob there but that's what it's going to boil down to. In the big picture does that even matter????? I grew up in a house that was never finished, there were always projects that were half arsed and bodged so why should I care about a perfect home now? Well that will go unanswered cos the fact is I just do. I'll stop procrastinating, put on my big girl panties and get the hell on with it. No one is going to do it for me...... and if I promise myself a huge glass of red at the end of it, I may even just get it done quicker!!!!!!! Here Goes............


Mari Mansourian said...

good luck... and hey it doesn't all have to be done today...or tomorrow... little by little and a glass of red at the end of each day...sounds like a plan. I'm tackling my closet today here goes (maybe I should get off the computer first :)

Unknown said...

Just do a little bit at a time! And don't forget to have breaks and enjoy a glass of wine from time to time. As you say, does it matter if it takes you a week rather than a day? No!

Indiri Wood said...

Oh the fun of boxes! I, too, know that I shouldn't care but I do anyway. With the probable arrival of people for labor day I am trying to get the garage under control. Of course no one cares about the garage and probably won't even see it but it bugs me and the thought that someone WOULD see it in its current state...

Which is to say: you aren't alone and take comfort in the fact that others are working (virtually) along with you.

Mike said...

I never finish any projects! I am a bad procrastinator!

Sarah Anne said...

Finish it, 'cause if you don't you'll be even more depressed. Trust me! :D

McGillicutty said...

OK I did some work, then went to eat and watch a presentation for a pyramid scheme, no thanks!, and now I'm home and ready for story time and then a glass of Red... AT LAST!!!!! Thanks to you ALL for your comments and 'course you're a procrastinator, OTIN, you're a MAN!!!!!!

An Open Heart said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog and encouraging me! For a point of reference, I moved into my current home in, I finally hung pictures on the walls....unpacked the last of the boxes and now have a pile of Goodwill stuff....because I just couldn't be bothered to find a place to put the crap!

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