The New Year is looming..that sounds ominous..OK ..the New Year stands excitedly, anxiously waiting in the wings, eager to make a triumphant appearance and obviously solve all the ills of the world. I mean, what else can change the attitude of the masses other than a brand new Norman Rockwell calendar hanging on the fridges of the eternally hopeful? The ball will drop (glad there's only one or we'd be talking about balls dropping..ewww) and overnight we'll be hurled into a brand new year, nay decade, where all will be perfect and harmoniuos with the bright lights of promise beckoning to our disillutioned little selves; offering up a new world of positivity,weightloss and good will to all mankind. There will be fewer smokers, more runners, less alcoholics and you won't hear any cuss words for about...hmmm five days. Good for us!
On a personal note, I too am full of excitment and awe for what the next year will bring for I'm tackling some major goals head on. I pledge to be in a comletely different place at the end of 2011 than I am at the end of this, a year that started out so positively then seemed to take an effin' nose dive somewhere in the middle, hurtled into a deathspin until it finally crashed and burned right around Christmas. will not be missed 2010; not one little bit.
As well as planning a bright shiny new venture in the coming weeks I pledge to be realistic about the possible downers that await, after all we don't live in Utopia here folks. I do believe that the more realistic our expectations are the easier it is to cope with our reactions to tradgedy, heartbreak and just the downright shitty happenings that are inevitable....not to say i'm all Eyore or anything...quite the contrary. I'm hoping for the best but keeping a small supply of contingency plans ( stashed there ready to give me a boost when times get rough. All the while my trusty realism will be lurking below the surface, helping me keep the year ahead in perspective. So my friends, let's run with it. Let's all pledge to take just one step towards keeping things in perspective, dispense with the internalizing, agonizing and surrendering to our inner demons. My word I feel all empowered writing this stuff down...I truly need to remind myself that there's alot to be said for what's inside this middle aged whackjob and if I don't stand up and be proud of what I have to offer the world how am I gonna teach my girls to be strong, kind and confident? That, after all is my ultimate goal, not to live life through them but to equip them fully with the tools to be more than I could have ever dreamed of being. To give them wings...more than wings....the enthusiasm and courage to use those wings each and every day.
Phew.....kinda on a high now. I'm not going to ask what your outlook is for the New Year, instead I want to know where you plan to be 365 Days from today and how will each of those days count? You don't have to answer just contemplate........besos¡!