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Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Randomonium Roundup...

OK, summer is officially over.... despite the fact its still a gatrillion degrees here in the 
Deep South.  For those of you outside of the US I'd like to clarify that the "Deep South" is 
anywhere below Virginia(ish) and to the right of Texas/Oklahoma; it's always
hot, humid, hospitable and homely.
There's ain't no one gettin' in a hurry in the Deep South, bless 'em! 

I recently "found" an old friend, an old best friend by searching the internet 
profusely until she could hide no more. Actually she was right where I left her
about ten years ago which is wacky right? and no she's not in fb so it was quite 
the accomplishment to track her down and make contact again. It made me so freakin' 
happy to almost have her back in my life, at least to exchange emails, she's in Scotland
so it will be a while before we get together but get together we will, I can promise you that.
I have been racking my brain to decide which of our many teen/early twenties stories
to recount on the blog and I'm sorry to say that I'm coming
up with a very short, shortlist of escapades which are actually publishable. 
I am however having a ridiculously good time sifting through the memories! 
If hairspray could talk... we'd be in trouble!!! 

Have you guys been listening to "Whatever" with Jennifer Hutt on the Martha Stewart 
Channel on Siruis radio? You should.. and go check out her website... she's awesome! 
I'm thinking she's gonna bring out the stalker in me, she has a blog and a fb page 
and she's very intelligent and witty so I'm following all her social media outlets.. could this
be a bloggy crush!! LOL... whatever... just tune into the radio show and you'll 
get it...Sirius channel 110 from 5 - 7pm.

Yesterday was one of the most bizarre days that I have experienced in a long time.
Some asshole good for nothing called a bomb threat into the school system of the 
town in which I work. So they proceeded to evacuate something like sixteen schools in 
the area, sending kids home on buses and having parents come pick them up. 
What a freakin' nightmare for one small town!!!!! It was Crazytown USA for the best
part of the afternoon, I am happy to report they have arrested the perp. 
Add to that the fact that there was also an Earthquake in Virginia (which didn't have any effect on me 
personally, other than to make me wonder what the heck is going on!) and it was quite
the day.  I mean... what happened to just going about ones daily business without the drama?

We are shopping for new tires for my Jeep... I learned what the numbers on the size of 
tires mean.  You see I don't like to call up and give someone a random number not knowing
what that number measures... I hate being given information without knowing the
background.  So now I know, I'm informed in the world of rubber meets the road, and I 
am one step closer to being a Modern Mom... all informed and shit.
fyi... we spell it tyres in England, you see all this stuff I've had to learn in order to live in the US. 

I mentioned Virginia twice in this post, now that's random.

Well that about wraps up the randomonium for the day, I feel I have only scratched 
the surface of the junk going on in my world but you get the picture!!! 
Au revoir tout le monde.... y'all come back now y'hear!! 

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