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Monday, May 10, 2010

Randomonium Prevails....

OK as is customary in this here little blog land of mine, when I can't get it together I throw out some randomonium .... tiny tidbits of bologna that are floating around my head for your enjoyment and consideration. I am not sure where this blogging block is coming from right now so this will have to suffice for now......

I am so glad that I still have 118 followers, that number has remained steady although I am sure you're still not stopping by as regularly... prolly 'cos I have been slack on the reading/commenting front. Must do better!!!!

I came home tonight and selfishly painted my nails... yeah.... before all the domestic hoopla got underway!!! I sat on my ass in the living room, watched the news and painted my nails. I'm still reeling from that fact. I only have one other member of the family here with me right now and she's busying herself by dying things with food colorings. She walked her five year old self thru the living room and told her friend... "I'm going to get my lab coat".  Giggle.

The weather here is gorgeouso... I mean absolutely perfecto... you have to be so jealous of me right now. The thermometer out here on the patio... (yes I'm reporting live from the patio) says 98 degrees, however, I beg to differ. It feels more like 78, yeah you heard me 78... it's that perfect. There's a slight cool breeze and very, very little humidity. Makes me think of a lovely summers day in England, you remember the one???? There is not a bead of sweat on my body, yet I feel comfortable and relaxed..... optimum conditions for a soiree.... but just not tonight, it's a Monday for God's sake. No one has a soiree on a Monday!!!!!

We have the loveliest cardinals living close by, they stop in and eat from my bird feeder, which I think is too close the house, but I have seen one or two taking a snack there. I just wish that I could sit here very quietly for a very long time until I can snap one of them and show you how unbelievably gorgeous they are. Maybe the shit tzu's will catch one and I'll have it stuffed then post a pic for ya!!!  You see that's the problem, when you have two shitties and two young girls, you're never gonna capture a cardinal with your Nikon... nope never, evah, evah!!!!!!!!  Nor will I ever get a pic of the woody woodpecker that's tearing up my neighbor's playground.

Well, I suppose my little bit of me time is done, I need to get back in the kitchen and rattle those pots and pans. I'll be back later to visit all of you out there and try to rekindle the funny wonderfulness that was blogging prior to my hiatus. Remember November... it was a blogging Hoot!!!!!

What randomness are y'all experiencing.... do tell??????
yep, random... my friend has a posh outside loo!!!! 


Brian Miller said...

having spent a year living outside with only an outdoor loo...posh would have been nice, but that was years ago...still here...smiles.

rxBambi said...

LOL I don't think you can say "posh" and "outdoor loo" in the same sentence. It's an oxymoron. Really!

Your weather sounds fab. Mine is cold and rainy. Blech. We even opened the pool last week and can't swim in it. Sucks!

tori said...

yes I have missed you! I'm not good either keeping up with everyone (remember our email exchange?) but still enjoying the writing...but no as often.
I had a woodpecker pecking on the metal part of my chimney this am. It sounded like a crazy jack hammer sound coming down through the fireplace.
Lock those dogs and kids up for a while and put on some cammo and get a pic!

Liz Mays said...

Glad you're back!! I need to put out a tray feeder to get the cardinals. I see them but they don't really stay. We mostly have the little songbirds.

Conny said...

I do love a good bit of randomonium!! Glad you made it home safely. Your evening yesterday sounds absolutely wonderful!

Oooh, just saw this on the right side of your blog - from Eternally Distracted - "Absolutely Fabulous has nothing on Aunty." Must read. I l.o.v.e. Absolutely Fabulous - it still cracks me up after all these years!!

Cheers and have a great rest of the day.

Mike said...

It seems like all of the people who I started blogging with are spending less time blogging, including me! LOL So don't feel bad!

Stephanie said...

Oh i adore the random....there should alwyas be time for nail paining AND are those wine glasses in the loo? lol

Tracie said...

I'm jealous of your gorgeous weather. It rained All. Day. here. Yuck.

Mama-Face said...

Random is the best! I've been completely out of sync with my blog reading...glad to see you that a chandelier of some sort in the loo?
