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Friday, July 22, 2011

Thankful Thursday on Friday...

I forgot to do Thankful Thursday yesterday... too busy.. dealing with other people's bullshit if you must know.....

Anyhoodles... without further ado (and yes people it's ado... not adieu... that's something completely different!)

I am thankful for....

My emerging mature side.... (I said emerging!!)
A little girls voice on the phone saying "love you Mama"...
Ibuprofen I may have added that in a previous week but I truly thank God for Amazon every day!!
my sisters... who know me extremely well and love me anyway...
delicious fresh cherries perfectly ripe and ready to eat... yum.

That's it from me... I actually am using this post as therapy today... feeling a little crazy so instead of letting lose with a torrent of passive aggressive rants I figured I would head to my happy place and find things I'm thankful for and it worked.  I may now go on with my day in peace..... sigh.

1 comment:

Brian Miller said...

nice...i love amazon...and maturing side? they might have medication for that you know...smiles.