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Thursday, November 18, 2010


practice blending copy, originally uploaded by McGillicutty1.

Who says you can't teach an old dog new tricks???? This old rover is learning something new every day thanks to the wonderfullality of Kim Klassen.

If you are the least bit intimidated by Photoshop and think you will never be able to master that unruly little tinker I'm here to tell you "yes you can!" and it's as easy as signing up for the next Skinny-Mini E-course she is running starting on Dec 6th. "but the holidays" I hear you whine..... I don't wanna hear it. I have been busier than a busy thing on a busy day lately and I have managed to fit it in.

Super duper easy to follow instructions on video and you can go back and replay when you need to however many times you need to.... and you can even get the 30 day free trial of Elements 9 to see if this is indeed your cuppa char.

I will not be the same evah evah again.... I loved this picture when I took it and then just made it black and white using a rinky dink little I have given it layers... yeah... layers!!!

So.... if you don't want to actually do anything but you do appreciate the fine work of a genius head on over to see Kim anyway.. just click the button on my sidebar.

I'm pumped.... and want to share the pumpedness!!!!!! Hugs y'all.


Conny said...

That's pretty cool! Must pass the info on to my hubby, he's our family photoshop addict. Cheers~

Brian Miller said...

gorgeous shot...

Char said...

funny now little tricks can make a shot timeless.

great job

Mari Mansourian said...

great looking image, i may have to check her out...there's never enough you can learn about that program :) thanks for the info

likeschocolate said...

Great job! I think who ever made that saying up was just making excuses for not trying.