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Monday, November 1, 2010

Macro Monday.

Ohhhh this is awesome. I have found a new obsession... well not exactly a NEW obsession but a new channel for one of my ongoing obsessions. Go check out Lisa's Chaos and join in her Macro Monday. I think I had seen it before but was denying myself the indulgence. Well... deny no more. I love macros and I'm proud to say it. This is one I took at the weekend, not my favorite but I feel it has to be at least recent to take part properly. The girls were making cupcakes with Nanny and so I snapped a few pictures to record the moment, I adore the color of the icing on the cupcakes. I have cropped this but other than that it's right out of camera so no fancy footwork with the lighting or colors.

Thanks Lisa, wish I had joined in earlier, have been such a slacker lately but this is a whole new inspiration for me, just what I needed!!!!!!

p.s. I'm cleaning out my blog roll, I have been noticing a lot of peeps dropping out of the blogosphere which is sad but on the bright side it makes room for me to follow some new blogs and gain more inspriration. I love blogging, there's always something new around the corner so this is an opportunity for a bit of a clean up!!!


Mrs. M said...

They look fantastic! Great close up!

namaki said...

BLUE chocolate ! Did you taste it ? Looks nice !

Ashley Sisk said...

Those look really yummy. I'm glad to see you back!

Anonymous said...

Oh yes, looks delicious!

Barb said...

They look good enough to eat! (heehee)

Together We Save said...

Love that picture! They look so yummy!!

Anonymous said...

Love that color frosting! Yummy..