Me boring... I beg to freakin' differ!!!!
Although I guess they had a point.
For some reason, and I can't for the life of me think what is going on here, I
feel compelled to call into the talk shows on Cosmo Radio.
I listen to them religiously going to and from work and I get so involved that
I feel I am part of the stupid show. I have to say my fav is Wake Up with Taylor.
She is hilarious and I start to think I'm hanging out with her just a talking and
a laughing all the way to work. It's hard to get out of the car.
Then on the way home it's Cocktails with Patrick, which I used to think was
pretty good and funny but to be honest his side kick Leah is funnier than he is.
So last night I'm driving home and this compulsion to call in washes over me
(again) this would make it the third time I'd called in the past couple of weeks.
The "bit" was called 'what yo beef is' and you call in to complain about something
and tell them you have a beef with someone or something.
Well I don't really have any beefs to be honest, life has been going perfectly smoothly
and there's nothing eating away at me right now. Strange, cos I'm usually kinda
caustic and snarky but presently, the planets must be aligned, I'm completely tickitty boo.
However, call in I must, so I made up a little beef and honestly.... it was lame. So
lame I'm just going to hope that none of my readers were tuned in to the radio show and
I can keep my lameness under wraps. Here's the thing tho'... they had some hideous
guy in the studio with them (another radio show host) and he said he liked my accent
but that I was BORING!!!! Man that hurt!!! Boring... call me anything but please
don't call me boring, especially when you are on the show to get a date... how boring
are you if you can't even get your own dates?????? dummy!!!!!!
Then a few minutes later, and exactly why I was still tuned in, I don't know after such a
blow to my ego, another caller said she had a beef with my beef... cool...
so there you have it... How could I have been boring if it prompted a rebuttal from
another listener and an almost-cat-fight ensued??? Isn't that what makes a call in show
interesting? Comment; then cause someone to comment on your comment and so
on, therefore creating a DISCUSSION a DEBATE something to get your teeth into!!!
I tried calling back but alas was home before I could get thru and didn't want my
family to know I'm obsessed with calling into radio shows so I gave up. Instead, I
ran (well walked quick like) to my beloved net book and emailed them!!!!!
WTF is wrong with me??? I couldn't let it go... then I started to break out in a cold
sweat because I don't have Sirius Radio in the house and would no never know if they
saw my email and commented on it. I would never know what the outcome of
the discussion would be??? if they would ever retract their initial declaration of my
Yeah... now I have a BEEF.... thanks Cocks with P... I'm all beefed up with
no one to call!!!!