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Monday, December 6, 2010

Lets take another look at online shopping shall we?????

Do you shop online for things other than the usual? you know, 
lets say have you ever tried to buy furniture online. I usually check stuff
out but have yet to actually purchase something of that magnitude from the
world wide web, and to be honest I don't know what stopping me.

While surfing I have been really impressed with CSN and their
selection of coffee tables and other pieces that truly suit my style. I have 
shopped there in the past, I mean they have 200 stores people so you can 
find just about anything thats ubercool there!!!! 

There is a need for storage in the McGilli house seeing as there are four
of us and two shih tzus and our house ain't Buckingham Palace believe 
me... so I'm thinking about the trunk style tables they have for when we
purchase our new couches... yes it's that time of life again when the 
old reliables have done their job (and done it well) and we need 
to think about some newbies. We originally bought our couches 
when we bought our first house about eleven years ago and we picked 
them carefully knowing they would have to take us through the young 
children phase and they have indeed excelled!!! However, there are a couple
of wounds from the dogs and there are weird sinking noises occasionally
that do offer a little cause for concern. We never agree on these things
so it will be approx six to eight months before we reach a compromise
...but I'm on the hunt .. NOW!!!! 

So .. go check out the link and have fun browsing.
I received compensation for this review but all opinions are 
completely my own and I do use CSN often.. and love them!!!!!  


Barb said...

2 posts in one day. I'm impressed.

Unknown said...

LOL - We amazingly only looked at one store when we should for a living room set last year. :) I wish you luck!