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Thursday, September 9, 2010

Reasons to be cheerful...

So.... today I went into serious panic mode... I got a call from my FANTASTIC neighbor without whom I would be nothing. The sitter had dropped the kids at home and run.... they were there without supervision... luckily for me it was all a big misunderstanding and I do have the neighbors from HEAVEN!!! THANK YOU GOOD PEEPS WHO LIVE SO CLOSE!  Seriously, when you don't live in close proximity to any family and you are pretty much self reliant it's awesome to know you have someone looking out for you... and this my friends I am eternally grateful for. God was totally on my side when he placed this family right next to me on this planet. Gush over.

So with a couple o' phone conversations with good neighbor and some juggling we managed to get kids to the Y for their activities and I was set to pick them up after work. Well I now work outside of our town and have to drive about 30 minutes to get home, and wouldn't you know it, I had something urgent to do at 5pm which could not be left until tomorrow and I had to pick up the kids at 5:30 pm.... I'm driving home like a bad ass out of hell and I see I have six minutes to get there, sixteen miles to go and my truck tells me I'm six miles til empty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WT ABSOLUTE F??????????????? and i'm outta blood pressure pills as well as CRAZY pills....... this my friends is what you call a totally effin' pain in the ass situation when I would give anything not to be me!!!!!!!!!!!

Long story short, the kids were fine (of course) they're at the Y and being totally looked after by some more of my totally wonderful neighbors... have I mentioned I live in the best community in the WORLD!!!!!!

We got home and my ankles are now cankles ... have to take a water pill and elevate feet. The girls are happily reading and we're waiting for Daddy to come home and cook dinner. I am still a tad stressed. Why is it that we can't be everywhere at once? Why is it that when things go wrong and your good friends come to  your aid you still feel bad.. I mean you feel good cos you have great friends but bad cos you have to lean on them!!!!!!!!!!!!  I would do it for them but still feel bad asking.... urgh.

In other news... for those of you in the States... Walmart is now selling back to school stuff at a total steal... I bought four composition books for $1... and you know what that means... two hours of sheer joy on the girls part and two hours of complete peace for me!!! Well worth a buck dontchya think???????

In other, other news... I have taken a couple of pics later but still haven't downloaded them... so this will have to do for now.  Mwuaahh!!!!!


rxBambi said...

good god woman take a chill pill with your bottle of wine and settle down. this post got me all stressed out as well!

glad to hear things are okay, and aren't friends the best?

if you were here instead of there I'd have totally been there for you.


Brian Miller said...

how very warhol of you...smiles.

i hate being late...i probably would have been a monster in my car...and got a ticket...

cool to have neighbors like that though...

Conny said...

Don't you just hate it when everything aligns and makes for a perfect disaster?! Good neighbors are hard to find ~ your's are keepers. I'm sure you'll find a way to show your appreciation for them. :>) Cheers~

yonca said...

I'm with Conny..good neighbors are really hard to find.I think I'm lucky about that too. Cheers to friendship and good neighborhood!